Do you find that time and cost are always your biggest enemy in wanting to send your staff out for training? Granted, the government provides funding for staff training, but not all training suits the needs of every company.
Don’t worry, we know you prioritise your teams’ best interests and the development of your workforce; because of this, we spoke to a leading provider in the online learning industry, to find out their best tips to get the most out of training and your team.

High turnover industries such as technology and retail (see ref) are always welcoming new blood to be part of the team. Traditional induction processes, such as assigning mentors or orientation days, might not necessarily yield the best result as you are always battling with the consistency of delivery and time costs for multiple 1-1 sessions. In hindsight, operational productivity usually decreases when senior staff members are pulled out for mentoring commitments.
With the introduction of effective online inductions/on-boarding, new staff are given the space to complete their own orientation, at their own pace. Tracking features measure progress and allow supervisors to determine when the new starter is operationally ready to begin their role. What's best is your senior staff members are still able to resume their daily task with very minimal disruption.

We’ve all been there, as our career progresses, our time at work increases and there just aren’t enough hours in the day for personal upskilling. Never mind going to a bookstore for self-help books, reading for 30 minutes daily has become a huge luxury. This is where short duration, impactful training modules come into play.
The Managing People Series, brought to you by global training leaders Upskill People, is a highly rated management training series which is already making a big impact for organisations such as WingTai, WHSmith, Nandos, and JD Sports. The concise, hour long modules, are responsible for creating big waves and changes to the training landscape. While covering 72 key competencies of people management, the entire 14 modules can be digested in less than 12 hours. As time is one of our most precious commodities, save it by pursuing innovative, concise, and challenging online training.

Learning comes differently for all of us. A rare group of learners can remember everything they read; a few lucky people might remember half of what they were taught, and some may not remember anything at all after a certain period of time.
According to a study done by HR Drive (see ref) :
a) Within 1-hour people will forget 50% of the information presented
b) Within 24 hours people will forget 70% of the information presented
c) Within 1-week people will forget 90% of the information presented
Great content is the key to engaging trainees. Content that sells usually has both fun and interactive elements. Edutainment illustrates this point perfectly. In a recent survey done by Axonify (see ref), respondents highlighted these top three training attributes:
a) 93% want training that is easy to complete/understand
b) 91% want training that is personalized and relevant
c) 90% want training that is engaging and fun
Information needs to be repeated and engaging in order for it to be retained. Having an effective online learning system can help resolve this issue. With online learning, you have the opportunity to combine media types to portray your content, include quizzes to test knowledge and provide real-time feedback. Get your desired training outcomes when you blend simplicity, fun, and flexibility into one online training solution.

Contrary to some beliefs, learning is a lifelong process which does not end. There is no such person who can claim that they know everything. For such persons, he/she is suffering from a fixed mindset that needs to be altered. It is a VUCAA (volatile, uncertain, complex, chaotic and ambiguous) world we are living in now. Because of this, learning should be fluid and continuous.
Therefore, it’s no surprise that to stay relevant in the workforce, one needs to keep the learning going and invest in your own development. Having an effective online learning channel is an instrumental way to create a better culture of learning in the workplace
WHSmith, which has 13,000 employees over 1,200 locations globally (including Changi Airport), has shown how they have created a better learning culture through online learning. From their tracked feedback sessions on their online learning platform, the statistics speak for themselves:
a) 81% of WHSmith employees enjoyed learning in this way
b) 87% said they learned knowledge and skills from the courses they could use
c) 89% commented that the courses were easy to use
When employees are empowered to learn, gaining knowledge they can really use, and proud of their achievements they are truly a great asset to a company.
I am also fond of Online learning. It really saves time and energy. I do full time job and also doing a course of Amazon training in Pakistan. Whenever I am too tired to attend, I just connect them over some digital platform.